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A paranormal moment?

By Georgia Lyn on October 7, 2013 in Blog

I love October.

Not only because it’s time for spooks and ghostly stuff, which is real scary, but because my daughter was born in this month. 🙂

And yes, I have spoken about this before.Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 6.44.35 PM

and for those of you who missed it, here it is…

It’s no big secret, the supernatural fascinate me. After all, it’s why I write in this genre. But what most people don’t know is the little incidents from my past that have shaped my interest in this. I love all things otherworldly, it could be because when I was very young, my grandfather used to live on a sugarcane plantation and at nights we’d all sit in this wraparound porch and he would tell us ghost stories–while we loved it–it was the supernatural phenomena that happened once, that intrigued me more.

I still recall the first time I saw this huge ball of orange flames? I can’t be sure, it rolled across the tops of the sugarcane. I was seven, I stood there fascinated. My grandfather said it was the ‘fire devil’. Maybe he was teasing, but I never forgot that sight. It rolled so fast over the sugarcane crops. Curious, I asked him to tell us more, and my fascination grew.

But other little things started happening, as I grew older. No, of course I didn’t see ghosts, angels, or anything of the sort, but I dream them—agh, not the ghost, I’d be hiding under the bed then. But about events, little things and they would occur a few days later. It always left me with a sense of deja vu, afterwards. But so far it’s on a smaller scales and usually relates to myself, or those close to me…

Now my sister on the other hand has angels and ghosts appearing, while she’s asleep. Yes, seriously! But she brushes it off as normal. And she lives alone. Brave girl. Let me share two incidents with you…

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 7.22.00 PMSeveral years ago, my cousin’s husband suffered a massive heart attack during the night, he was rushed to hospital. The families didn’t know about this awful happening. My sister who lives across the country, was asleep, jerked awake in alarm, and was startled to find a figure hovering in her bedroom doorway. She said a sudden chill filled the room. Instantly she knew something had happened, and asked him what was wrong. And like a whisper in her mind, he answered, ‘Help her, she needs you.’

She tried to keep him talking, but he said he could not stay. Immediately, my sister called my cousin, who burst into tears and told her what happened and that her husband had just passed away. He left behind a gorgeous little girl.

A lot more of these happenings occurred over the years.

One evening recently, my sister said she’d been restless, and for some reason kept checking the windows and doors were locked. Above the door to her apartment, she hung a rosary, which was given to her when she moved into the place.

Uneasy, she fell asleep, only to awaken sometimes in the early parts of the morning, someone was shaking her. She felt as if she was swimming out from a current that wanted to suck her back in. Until a voice, which sounded so melodious that she couldn’t help but listen, told her had to come back. It wasn’t time for her. Like a drowning person, she gasped for air to find the coppery taste of blood in her mouth. She’d bitten her tongue in her sleep. The vision sat on the bed beside her, had its hand on her legs and warmth surrounded her. Dressed all in white, she couldn’t see its face. Then it rose, extremely thin and tall. It didn’t walk, but glided to her closet and disappeared through it.

Strangest thing was, one we could never understand, if it was an angel, then why did it avoid the door where the rosary hung? After all, it did save her life…

But I guess, it’s a question that will remain forever unanswered.

So, my fellow peeps, if you have a paranormal happening in your life, and want to share, I would love to hear it.

Have a great day 😉


  1. Debbie Christiana October 7, 2013 Reply

    Great post Georgia. I love October as well, my birthday is this month too and the paranormal is my favorite thing 🙂

    The stories about your family are fascinating. Thanks for a great read.

    I wish I had a story to share, as much as I’d love to meet a ghost, I haven’t 🙁

    Happy October!

    • Author
      Georgia Lyn October 8, 2013 Reply

      Happy birthday for October, Debbie, I hope I haven’t missed it.:)
      My sister seeing the dead? Yeah, spooky scary–me, am not so brave.
      thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. CJ Burright October 7, 2013 Reply

    Ooooh, I got chills reading your post! I’m fascinated by the paranormal too, and while I haven’t had anything quite so dramatic happen to me as did your sister, I also dream things and get that deja vu feeling. A small, soft voice told me on my first date with my husband that I’d marry him – which was a surprise, since he’s so not my type! I avoid rumored haunted places because I just know if a spirit was to attach to someone – I’d be it. Both my husband and step-daughter saw the ghost of my husband’s grandmother. Thanks for the spooky post!

    • Author
      Georgia Lyn October 8, 2013 Reply

      hey Coleen, that’s great about your hubby, right? 🙂
      good decision about the haunted place, me, I’d rather watch a movie with otherworldly stuff, but sometimes you can’t help what happens in life.

  3. Nana Prah October 7, 2013 Reply

    Who can explain the paranormal? Some they visit, others they don’t. I’m happy to be in the second category. Great post.

    • Author
      Georgia Lyn October 8, 2013 Reply

      If I could, Nana, I’d take you on a journey with me–we both can have knocking knees then 😉
      Here’s something else to contemplate, my uncle who was a cop, (no, he’s quite normal 😛 )was on late night patrol, he gave a ride to a young woman on the a dirt road, near a small bridge–and guess what…yep.
      I doubted he ever did again after she drifted away from the car while he was driving–yup, he crashed the vehicle.

  4. Cathrina Constantine October 8, 2013 Reply

    I love a good true story like yours and your sisters, Georgia. As you probably know I believe in angels and whatnot, but their tales are usually unexplainable. And sooo coool…

    • Author
      Georgia Lyn October 8, 2013 Reply

      Thanks Cathy.
      one day soon maybe I’d see an angel, hopefully not the death one 😀

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