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What inspired you to write Absolute Surrender ?

 A stray thought… and the word, Empyreal. I wanted a race of beings so powerful that they were doomed by just being… Yes, I tend to have Machiavellian tendencies when it comes to my characters.

Where do you find the inspiration for your characters?

From a movie…people watching —yes, *evil smirk* no one’s safe. But seriously, as I plot out the details of my story, the characters take shape in my head and their personality and quirks are revealed.

How many books do you envision for the FG series?

Hard to say. Each character has a potential story. And as they reveal themselves to me, I will write it. But I do have a time line for the first five books. 

Did you know you’d eventually become an author?

Nope. I was more interested in devouring any books I could get my hands on.

And your favorite authors and books are?

I have several in various genre, from paranormal & contemporary to suspense and horror. Jean M. Auel, love her Earth’s Children series. And Dean Koontz, seems I love to be terrified out of my mind. 🙂

Before you became a published writer, what did you do?

I worked as a fashion designer for several years while I raised a family and stole what little time I could for reading. Writing was the elusive leprechaun’s pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Okay, weird analogy 🙂

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Write what moves you, and write from the heart, then you’ll never stop writing because you’ll love what you create.  Join a critique group to better your craft. It takes loads of patience, sweat and tears, but it’s worth it in the end. Most of all, never doubt your ability to create. Your imagination is a powerful tool.

And most important, write the kind of book YOU want to read. 
